Covid Information What is your current trading position?*What actions have you taken to mitigate the impact of the most recent lockdown restrictions? (Furlough scheme, grants etc)*What are your overall financial commitments and any agreed current forbearance/payment holiday arrangements and any forbearance/payment holidays taken within the last 12 months?*What cash reserves, ability to make payments do you have?*Details of supporting overdrafts, loans, other bank facilities and utilisation levels*What action have you taken to access support from your bank?*Have you secured any funding by way of Bounce Back Loans or Coronavirus Business interruption Loans – and if so, what amounts/terms?*Have you had any engagement with Crown agencies (PAYE, HMRC, VAT etc)?*What support is available from shareholders or guarantors?*What continuity plans do you have in place (0-3, 3-6 months)?Consent* I have read and agree with the privacy policy of Oak Leasing Ltd Δ